Sub Title: Ò Enhancing ecological farming practices and market promotion of Native poultry in Bhola District ”
Funding scheme: World Bank
Period: June 2021 to February 2024
Executive Summary:
Budget: Total Budget for FY-01 & FY-02 is 7,85,00000/=( Seven crore eighty five lac TK only) TK.
Manpower: 10 (Focal Person -01, Project Manager -01, Technical Officer -01, Environment Officer – 01, Finance & Procurement Officer-01, Marketing & Promotion Officer-01, Reporting & Documentation Officer-01, Field Assistant -01, Livestock Technical Assistant -02.)
Working area:
Upazila: 02 (Bhola Sadar, Doulatkhan), Union:15 (Alinagar, Dhonia, Shibpur, Bhola Pourosova,Uttordigholdi, D.Digholdi, Uttorjoynagar, Medua, Chorkhalifa, Chorpata, Doulatkhan Pourosova, Uttorjoynagar ,S.Joynagar, Bhobanipur, Soyedpur).
Branch: 03 (Bhola-03, Uttar Jaynagar, Miyarhat)
Beneficiaries: 800
Project background:
In recent years, the Bhola district is developing as a poultry farming sector and it is very popular in producing poultry birds like Native Chicken, Pigeon, and Duck of Bangladesh. Native chicken has a high demand for everyday consumers and different festivals and occasions in Bangladesh. With this increasing demand, the poultry sector developing in Bhola.
Now there are more than five thousand (5000) poultry farms in this District in small scale. To ensure the proper growth & development those chickens, there is lack of poultry feed mills in the District for native chicken specially. There are 1713 poultry farms produce chicken in our proposed working area. There is no Hatchery for produce quality native chicks & haven’t any outlet for selling safe native chickens. A direct consequence of these structural changes (industrialization, geographical concentration, and intensification) in poultry production is that far more waste that can be managed by land disposal is produced, resulting in environmental problems. This project can help analyses the environmental impacts arising from intensive poultry production, evaluating such impacts across the food chain and all environmental issues. Such type of project also presents technical options to mitigate environmental impacts, such as improvements to farm management, animal waste management, and nutrition management, along with options to reduce the impacts of intensive feed production. Lack of awareness, practical knowledge, and capital is often cited as the three factors hampering the implementation of the environmentally sustainable poultry sector. Through technical support such as training, seminar, workshop, exchange visit, group discussion to mitigate a lack of awareness about farm management, and develop practical knowledge. Providing efficient new technology & updated instruments among the poultry farmers can increase the profit of farmers by decreasing the input cost.
Project Goal and Objectives:
a) Adopt environmentally sustainable practices to produce safe poultry (Native Chicken) meat and reduce health risks of entrepreneurs.
b) Improvements of farm management and waste management.
c) Ensure safe poultry feed supply by quality feed production and market chain development.
d) Develop the poultry cluster by improving backward and forward linkage with increasing the production capacity.
Project Output/ Impact:
1.Explore the native poultry value Chain of the livestock in coastal areas.
2. Exploring the challenges of livestock associated with geo-climatic and management practices at the coastal region.
3.Introducing the advanced technologies in this area.
Case Study:
Dreams of Nurnabi
Mr. Nurnabi Faraji, who lived in ward no. 08 of 04 Uttar Joynagar union of Daulatkhan upazila of Bhola district. In his working life he was stayed in Saudi Arabia from 1997 to 2011. From the experience of life in abroad, he feels "Why do we spend so much money and emigrate with the abandonment of family happiness, why don't we do anything in the country"?
After return in the country, Nur Nabi Faraji was preoccupied with doing something for earn. But he could not decide what to do so that his asset what he earn by a hard work would not be in danger. His wife used to raise some Native chickens and he used to help his wife in this regard. He noticed that often their chickens fell prey to disease and died. This time his thought is that if the chickens do not die, then it is possible to make a good income from here. From then on, Nur Nabi Faraji started to continuing the path of rearing of Native chickens.
Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha has always been by his side in this path. He participated in training under SEP-Native Poultry Project. Nur Nabi Faraji has made his house as a model house by utilizing his knowledge what he gathered from Training. He knows that no matter how much his chickens are vaccinated, if his chickens are mixed with other chickens, they will get infected. He has set up a fence around his house so that his chickens cannot go out of his house and no other wild predator animal can come into his house from outside. He believes that in order to get the real taste of Native chicken, Native chicken should be reared openly, not like Broiler chicken or Sonali chicken, and that is how he do it. Because of purity he doesn't have to go to the market to sell his native chickens but people buy them from his house. It is to be noted that besides
rearing of Native chickens, he also rear Pigeons and cultivates Fish.
Inspired by the speech "I will do my job but without harming the environment", he dumped his house waste and chicken and pigeon waste in a certain place. Once he used to use ordinary electric lamp in his house but now he uses energy saving lamp. Usually he does not do anything what he knows that it will harms the environment.
He had wished to buy an incubator machine but he did not know from where to collect it. An incubator machine would increase the productivity of his Native chickens and he would not feel the lack of quality chicks. In addition to meeting his own needs, he could also help to meet the needs of his neighbors, and in doing so, he would have some extra income also. In fulfillment of his wish, an incubator machine was provided to him dated on 30.11.2021 by the SEP-Native Poultry Project which is implementing by Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha (GJUS), funded by the World Bank and in collaboration with Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). After producing the Chicks through this incubator machine he meet his own demand and till now he has earned a total of 5600 / = ( Five thousand eight hundred TK only ) by selling 176 chicks.
Nur Nabi Faraji dreams that seeing him, other people will start such productive work so that the problem of unemployment is eliminated and the Peoples of the country can become self-reliant from the country and benefit the country and the people. Some of his Neighbors are motivated to start raising chickens and Nurnabi Faraji is helping them in this regard.
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