Charpata is a village in the working area of Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha under the Uttar Joynagar branch of Daulatkhan upazila in Bhola. There are 15-20 people in this village who are involved in seasonal fish farming. Since there is no other source of income, sometimes they work as day labor. In this situation, they contacted with the branch manager and showed their interest in getting some loans and other assistance from the organization. In the previous time, they used to make their living by making various fishing gears, but due to a lack of financial resources and technical skills, it was not possible to expand the profession.
After getting in touch with the branch manager and the officer of the integrated agricultural unit, the fisheries officer visited the area and discussed in details all the facilities to create entrepreneurs on fishing gears. After the conversation, everyone in the neighborhood expressed interest and proposed to take all feasible measures. The branch manager immediately takes admission of about around 15 members of that cluster named Meghna-69 group and all members were provided a loan of Rs. 15,000/- after depositing the savings. In addition, in the fisheries sector of the integrated agricultural unit, grants are provided for making all kinds of fishing equipment such as: chai, polo, jhaki nets, dari, ronga etc.
This is the start of the road on the way to success. The members bought bamboo on their own initiative and started making all kinds of fishing equipment. In the interest of market management, a field day was organized at that cluster of the organization. All the materials made by the members were displayed on the field day and the people of the area showed great interest in purchasing these items. At present, they have all equipment’s and making materials in every home and the number of wholesalers has increased which is playing a leading role in the development of the area as well as in increasing the income of the members.
At present they have an income of Rs 5,000-6,000 per month where there is no labor cost. Clusters of making fishing gear have been proclaimed in the village at the initiative of the organization, so that the income of the members is progressively increasing. A fish equipment sales center has been established at the initiative of the members, from which the members are collecting large orders, and the cluster has aroused a huge response in the area.
Following their method many more people are getting involved in making fish apparatus which will play a far-reaching role in the development of the area.